
Although many people get professional help for personal problems, it can be hard to get started, to recognize when you or your loved ones need help.  A problem does not have to be overwhelming or a crisis for you to benefit from psychological help. You may need to talk to a psychologist to analyse and understand the problem, to develop healthy strategies, and to make the changes you need to make.

Don’t wait to be overwhelmed:  waiting may cause needless suffering and result in a problem getting worse over time.

As you can see by the list of reasons below, challenges at home, work or school can happen to anyone.  Could you, or someone you know, be on this list?  If the answer is “yes,” please consider speaking with a psychologist soon.

  • You have been a victim of abuse or violence.
  • You have been involved in a traumatic incident, such as a life-threatening accident.
  • You are using too much alcohol, prescription medications or street drugs or gambling is getting you into trouble.
  • You have an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia, compulsive over-eating).
  • You are anxious and/or depressed a lot of the time. Perhaps you are having suicidal thoughts.
  • You suffer from phobias. In other words, you are too afraid of certain things such as insects, going outside, talking to others or certain foods.
  • You suffer from chronic pain and/or chronic illness.
  • You suspect you or someone close to you has a learning disability or is doing poorly in school and you need an assessment.
  • You have had a brain injury and been unable to fully recover.
  • You or someone you love has become chronically ill or disabled.
  • You are suffering from a strong and persistent reaction to a tragic event such as the death of a loved one, a separation or divorce, the loss of a job, etc.
  • You have difficulty getting along with your partner, family members, or co-workers.
  • You are faced with a major life change.
  • You are overwhelmed or “burned out” by stress at home, work or both.
  • You are having problems with parenting your kids or your loved one, often a parent, is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
  • You need an assessment regarding child custody and/or access.
  • You need an assessment to support claims for personal injury.
  • You are faced with a career change and need vocational advice and assessment.